How to Prompt: Interacting with ChatGPT

How Your Questions Shape AI Output

When you type out a question or a task for ChatGPT, you’re doing what is known as ‘prompting’. Think of it as starting a conversation. How you phrase your question, the details you include, and even the context – they all guide the AI in crafting its response or what is known as the output.

ChatGPT is able to understand your prompts based on a vast amount of data that it has been trained on. GPT 3.5’s knowledge is up to date as of 2021. So, when you ask something, it’s using all that knowledge to figure out what you mean and how best to answer.

The Right Way to Ask

Using clear and detailed questions in your prompts is the best way to get clear and detailed outputs – basically you need to put in what you hope to get out. If you are too vague, the AI might not give you a clear and concise answer and may generate hallucinations1 rather than facts.

Keeping track of previous prompts

One of the cool things about ChatGPT is its ability to remember what was said earlier in the interaction. Once you have opened a chat and begin prompting, the outputs may require new or edited prompts to further give additional information. If you need to refer back to a prompt or output in the thread GPT can remember what was asked, suggested or used. This means you can have a back-and-forth exchange that feels more natural and will help achieve the desired output without having to start from the very beginning.

Learning from Examples

ChatGPT can also learn from examples. If you show it how you expect an answer to be by giving examples, it can tailor its responses better. It’s a bit like teaching someone by showing them how it’s done.

The way you interact with ChatGPT is about the questions you ask, and the tasks you set in your prompts. How you phrase your prompts shapes the conversational output. It’s a blend of your input and the AI’s intricate understanding of language, all coming together to create a chat that’s informative, engaging, and sometimes even surprising!

Download my free guide, “CLEAR- GPT PROMPT ACRONYM” and learn effective AI interaction. Click below to get your copy now!

  1.  Outputs that are nonsensical or altogether inaccurate. ↩︎

2 responses to “How to Prompt: Interacting with ChatGPT”

  1. […] The most effective way to get good, concise and clear outputs from GPT is in the prompts – how you ask questions or give it tasks. Think of it like asking a friend for help – the clearer you are, the better help you’ll get. It’s all about being specific and clear in your requests. Prompts can be as simple as asking for a recipe or structured in a way that is design to give a specific output. Such as asking for a recipe that only uses the ingredients that you have available in your pantry. I go in to more details about this in my post about Prompts. […]

  2. […] I choose to use their Script to Video Tool; it works by input my video concept into a text box, and the AI takes over from there, crafting a video that matches my prompt. […]

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