
Hiya! My name is Trishoya. I am a traveler, social networker, recipe developer, GPT enthusiast and blogger behind Trishoya.com. Born in Jamaica, I was raised in Canada & the United Kingdom as a dual citizen; I’ve always been passionate about exploring the world due to travelling since I was 4 years old. By the time I had turned 18 I had already lived in 4 countries. Being exposed to many different people and places in my childhood gave me the travel bug, I knew that I wanted to travel more and wanted to have a great work / life balance. It wasn’t until the Pandemic in 2020 that I set out to change the trajectory of my life and career by taking 18months to re-assess my values and pursue my passions.

About the Blog:

Trishoya started in November 2022 when I moved to Australia, back then it was just a concept – I had kept a journey and visual diary of my experiences with the intention of sharing with my family and friends. I never really prioritized sharing much about my life until now. My hope is that this blog serves as a insightful resource to anyone aspiring to travel, emigrate, do a career change, and navigating AI & GPT as a non-technical person.

I visited Sydney in 2019, I went for only 2 weeks but I was really enamored with the weather, lifestyle, how relaxed and laid back everyone was. Within 3 months of leaving the UK went into lockdown.

Fast track to November 2022, I had told the company I worked for that I was taking a 1 year sabbatical, I bought a one-way ticket , sold my car, packed my belongings and took off. I have not looked back since; this initial decision has influenced my life drastically. I was in a different mindset and free to re-evaluate the goals in my life.


In the UK I worked as a Senior in the Social Care sector, for over 10 years and as much as I enjoyed helping children, young people and the elderly live more fulfilling lives. I couldn’t help but think that I could use my skillset in a different way, I knew I did not want to be based in one location, one town, one country and work long hours until retirement. That thought alone just did not sit right with me.

Whilst in Australia, I worked in the hospitality sector, I got to develop and hone in on my social capital skills, I networked and connected with many interesting, aspiring and achieved people. When I embarked on this journey over a year ago, and I not have every imagined that I would be living this lifestyle now based on taking the leap into the unknown. I am learning everyday and I have decided to document that now that the visions of the life that I want is getting clearer and clearer.


I have since left Australia and have now been travelling around North America, I have re-ignited my passion for cooking & recipe development. I am able to spent time with family I have not seen in years; learn new skills Social Media Management, AI Art, & Prompt Design to generate an income as a digital nomad.

My life has been enriched by my travels in many ways. I want to share my story and give some sort of inspire that you may be able to embark on your own daring adventures. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you will stick around to experience more with me.


Make sure to check out my GPT blog posts here: https://trishoya.com/blog// & social media services here: https://trishoya.com/portfolio/