The World Wide Web is 35 Years Old! What has changed during that time?

WWW. – is a millennial, it officially celebrated its birthday as of March 12th 2024. Its creator Tim Berners-Lee wrote an open letter to acknowledge, its early days and to ponder on the monumental shifts this global network has undergone. Conceived as a digital space for free-flowing creativity, collaboration, and compassion, the web was Berners-Lee’s brainchild, aimed at uniting the world in ways previously unimaginable. Created to connect, inform, and empower, the web is now entwined into the fabric of humanity – in our daily lives. Yet, as we search through its countless pages, apps, and platforms, it’s clear that the web today is a far cry from its initial conception. From a simple, open space for sharing knowledge, to a complex ecosystem dominated by tech giants.

But amidst this, there’s a rising wave of online communities determined to redirect the web’s course back to its roots. Join me in rediscovering the core values that the web was built upon and uncovering how we can contribute to steering it back to its foundational vision.

What is WWW?

The World Wide Web, or web for short, is a interconnected system of public webpages accessible through the internet. But unlike the internet itself – which is a vast network enabling global communication, the web is a service built on top of it, allowing us to access and share information through websites. It was designed as a platform for collaboration, enabling scientists around the world to share their research easily. Since then, it has evolved into an indispensable tool for communication, education, business, entertainment, and much more, shaping the way we live, work, and interact.

Early Years

In the early days, the web was a sprawling digital frontier; a place where anyone with access to a computer and modem could publish content, exchange ideas, and collaborate across borders without the need for a go-between.

However, as the web grew in popularity, it began to attract commercial interest. The late 1990s and early 2000s saw the dot-com boom, where the potential for online business led to a rapid expansion of web content and services. This period marked the beginning of the web’s commercialization, setting the stage for the emergence of the tech giants that dominate the digital landscape today.


The web has undergone a transition from a decentralized network of independent creators to a web dominated by a few large corporations. These companies have reshaped the web in their image, optimizing it for profitability rather than the free exchange of ideas. This shift has had profound implications for privacy, freedom of expression, and the diversity of content available online. The commodification of personal data and the rise of targeted advertising have further eroded the web’s original vision, creating an environment where users are often treated more as products than participants.

Despite these challenges, the spirit of innovation and collaboration that marked the web’s early days is far from extinct. Across the globe, developers, activists, and entrepreneurs are working on projects aimed at reclaiming the web for the people. From decentralized social networks to initiatives promoting data privacy and digital rights, there’s a growing movement to steer the web back to its foundational principles.

To truly transform the current system, we must simultaneously tackle its existing problems and champion the efforts of those visionary individuals who are actively working to build a new, improved system

Tim Berners-Lee ¹

Online innovators such as Bluesky (exploring the potential of decentralized social networking), Mastodon (offers a federated alternative to traditional social media platforms, allowing users to join or host their own communities while controlling their data and privacy.) and Github (provides online collaboration tools and podcasts contribute to community knowledge.) are at the forefront of this movement, each offering a unique solution to the issues plaguing the modern web.

Berners-Lee calls on society to support these efforts, whether through participation, donation, or advocacy, we can play a part in shaping a web that aligns with its original values of compassion, creativity, and collaboration.

How AI is Shaping the future of the Web: Opportunities & Challenges

AI’s influence extends across various aspects of the web, from enhancing user experiences with personalized content to automating tasks that once required human intervention. This technology is enabling more dynamic interactions on the web, fostering innovations that once seemed beyond reach.

On the opportunity side, AI-driven tools and platforms are making the web more accessible and efficient. They help in filtering vast amounts of information to deliver what’s most relevant to users, improve accessibility for people with disabilities through advanced voice recognition and other assistive technologies, and foster new forms of creativity through generative AI, which can produce art, music, and writing.

However, the rapid advancement and adoption of AI also pose challenges that we must address to ensure the web remains a space that prioritizes the well-being of its users. Concerns about privacy, data security, and the potential for bias in AI algorithms are at the forefront.

It’s essential to engage in discussions about how to leverage AI for the public good while implementing robust ethical guidelines and regulations to mitigate its risks. The future of the web, augmented by AI, holds great promise if we commit to guiding its development thoughtfully, ensuring it aligns with the original vision of the web.

Whats next?

The web’s evolution, marked by resilience and innovation, underscores the importance of community vigilance and participation to ensure it benefits all. With AI’s rise, we face a pivotal chance to overcome old challenges and unlock new avenues for creativity and inclusion. However, realizing this potential demands our collective effort to align AI advancements with the web’s foundational principles.

Our actions and support for ethical, privacy-respecting projects are vital. Together, we can steer the web towards a future that mirrors its diverse user base, blending the founder’s vision with the innovations of tomorrow.


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