I’m sure you’ve heard of OpenAI‘s ChatGPT by now. It was first released to the public in November 2022, and this Large Language Model (LLM) Artificial Intelligence chat bot has the remarkable ability to create original text based on the data it was originally trained on. Within just five days of its release, it had already amassed over 1 million users. Since its launch, it has been growing in popularity, setting trends, and becoming the topic of numerous online discussions and has really made its mark in the tech world.

I first learned about ChatGPT 3 from my cousin during a casual conversation while we were out for a walk in March 2023. He described it as the latest sensation that everyone was buzzing about, capable of swiftly responding to any query. Intrigued, I decided to create an account a few days later to see what all the excitement was about.
Without a ‘How-to’ guide for Chat GPT 3.5, my initial prompts were basic questions aimed at exploring its capabilities because I was just curious to know what the ‘hype’ was all about. Let’s just say that it did not disappoint; I genuinely was impressed by how rapidly the bot generated responses based on my what I asking. Finally, I had a tool that could simplify my life, especially as I was embarking on a career change. At the time, I was managing a social media account for a small family business and had specific goals to achieve in terms of social media marketing, customer outreach, and other administrative tasks.
Chat GPT was my newfound assistant, simplifying my journey into managing social media accounts as a business. It swiftly generated content with just a few prompts, making my tasks easier and simpler. I would ask it prompts like ”Write me an Instagram post for a catering company serving a/b/c with an emphasis on x/y/z; include emoji’s & hashtags”.
Within seconds I had content! All I had to do was add photos to the post, edit them a little here and there, followed by copy and paste from the chatbot and that was that. I grinned to myself as I hit the post button, feeling confident that I was capable to do these ‘tasks’ with the help of AI. The more I used it, the more curious I got about prompting and how the generative AI could be used.
Fast forward months later and I am now using it on a daily basis, I am not by any means a technical person and I have no coding experience, but I set myself on a course of self-learning on Generative AI & prompt design/engineering. The more I began using and learning its capabilities , I discovered that ChatGPT opened doors for me in the online workspace. It provided opportunities to upskill and adapt, enhancing my skillset in unforeseen ways.

AI’s like ChatGPT are still evolving, various industries have yet to incorporate and train their employees in this new technological wave. Its potential for growth is immense and while it remains relatively unknown to many, its influence is steadily growing. In the coming months and years, we’ll witness the profound impact it can have on transforming the way we work, learn, and create in the digital age. I know it has done for me and I wont be looking back!
From now on, I will be writing everything I learn, click here to follow my journey to become a prompt engineer as a non technical person.
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