How to Make Money from Custom GPTs

For Anyone Looking to Monetize Their Custom GPTs on the Store

Let me just state that this guide works – only if you have a GPT plus account. If you are new to custom GPTs and haven’t already created your own then you can read up on how to develop your custom GPTs on OpenAI’s platform here.

GPT Wallets is a platform that allows you to add paywalls and donation links to your custom GPTs. By adding a paywall to your custom GPT’s configuration then you instruct the GPT to collect payment from users based on certain tasks/prompts.

This works by adding a specific instructions to your GPT which will require users to provide their email address to create a secure custom payment link.

A paywall is a digital wall that is partially or completely used to block users from access content without paying first.

To use GPT Wallets, you’ll need to start by signing up on their site. They usually get back to you within 24hrs with an email instruction on how you can integrate GPT Wallets with your custom GPTs, creating a secure transaction system for your users.

A few months ago I created AMUA – Artificial MakeUp Artist (chatbot), a go to source for trendy makeup & skincare advice. There has since been many makeup gpts on the platform but I wanted mine to stand out from the rest. I instructed by GPT to specifically have a paywall when users want to upload images to the chatbot. For example a user uploading their image to get customised makeup and skincare advice.

Here are the steps to how I did this…..

  • First, I opened up my custom GPT in my account and clicked on “edit” which opens up my custom GPT for configuration.
  • Second, I added the ‘ Payment instructions ‘ provided by GPT Wallets.
  • Third and final step is to add a new “Action” and copy paste a few links provided by GPT Wallets.

I decided to make changes to my the pre-payment instructions and tailored the prompt to specifically reflect how I wanted AMUA to interact with its users.

Specific Pre-Payment Instructions for my GPT

After making these changes, my GPT began asking for an email address to set up a secure payment link whenever it was asked to provide a personalised service. You can test it out here.

GPT Wallets have made monetizing possible by their paywall service, GPT creators like myself can make money from their custom chatbots; especially for those outside of the US who will be able to earn without waiting for OpenAI.

If you are interested in getting your GPT set up with paywall then you can click here to sign up with GPT Wallets.

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